Financial Planning and Investing Lessons from Our Journey

Hi! We're Brian and Saxon and we're so excited that you're here for the inaugural episode of the show. If you find yourself in a position where you're making six figures and you want to be better at managing your money and investing wisely for today and for tomorrow, then you're in the right place. In this episode we're going to talk about our personal career and investing that you can get to know who we are and what we're all about. We discuss:

1) Big Career Moves

2) Investing as a Professional

3) What the 6 Figure Investor Podcast is All About!

Listen to the show or see the full transcript below!


Hello. Hello and welcome to the six-figure investor. My name is Saxon. I'm your host. And I'm so excited that you're here for the inaugural episode of the show. If you find yourself in a position where you're making six figures and you want to be better at managing your money and investing wisely for today and for tomorrow, then you're in the right place because myself and my financial guru, Brian C, is going to be sharing all the details that we all need for.

About managing our money. I'm sure that he's appalled that I even started off the show this way, but what you'll see in our dynamic is that Brian's going to bring the insights and you know, all the things that we need to know when it comes to money. And I'm here to spice things up because we know that financial podcasts can be a little dry, a little boring, or maybe just a little bit over our heads.

So. We're going to get this show started by telling you a little bit about ourselves and our story and why we're here recording. You know, show behind the mic. We'll talk a little bit about the content that you're going to hear on the six-figure investor and how that's going to be beneficial to you.

So if you're interested, hanging tight, we're going to tell you a little bit of our story and then we'll share the goods on what you'll get out of listening to the show. So Brian, take it away. Yeah. So I started my career as an investor in 2008 I started helping wealthy families and endowments and foundations manage their money. I worked at one of the largest asset management firms in the world. And, and that was a great experience. But like most people you're in your first job and you decide, Hey, I want to go back to business school and, and do something different.

This is a great financial story because things were, you know, it was 2000 and at that point it was like 2011 12. If you're going to tell the story, you gotta tell it the right way, like a classic marriage issue, right. Where one, person's not telling the story the right way.

If you're going to tell the story, you have to tell it the right way, which is, which is Brian. And I met in undergrad and he graduated in 2008 and I graduated in 2009 and earlier in our marriage, obviously it was the. Recession and the economy wasn't so great, but we both decided that we wanted to go back to school to get our master's in business so that we could do the things in our careers we wanted to do.

They were both decide or did I side, and then you were like, I'm getting on the band. That's probably fair. You've probably decided I actually believe we're really going to go there in front of all these people who are listening to the show, which is probably like your mom and my mom. Yeah. We haven't at least seven listener globally to this podcast.

Okay. Well seven. Okay. All seven of you who are out there. I believe we were pillow talking and you said. In order to do what I want to do with my career, I think I need to go back and go to business school. And I said, if you're going, I'm going. And that was kind of the moment that I think change the trajectory of our working life and a lot of our relationship, because that was the moment we decided we were both going to quit.

Our full-time. Solid paying jobs and go back to school. Yeah. For the moms that are listening right now. And they've thought that that was great, that their children were going to quit. They're paying full-time jobs to go back to school without the certainty of getting a nice paying gig at the end of it.

But it did all work out. Well. We did end up going and getting our master's in business together at Emory university woot for Goizueta and. You know, from, from the time that we met all the way through that journey, Brian has loved finance and investment management and serving people in that way.

And so this was just a tool that helped you know, him do that better. Yeah. So, so we we'd love business school. I went to work as a consultant and, and in a strategic capacity, helping lead really large business transform. In the financial services industry. So I've been around a long time. I've seen the industry from a lot of different chairs and I still found it lacking.

And so I felt like it was still too focused on sales and not focused enough on providing really high quality conflict, free advice for investors. So I started capital stewards to make it easier for professionals to access the investment and financial expertise that they need.

And I am now the founder of capital stewards and after business school, Saxon decided that she was going to chase her dream and brand marketing and go work at one of the largest brand shops in the world. So she became a brand director and also a six-figure investor. That's true. All those things are true, but I think, you know, Brian and I are.

I like to say that we're like the perfect combination, because he is so great at finance and. And so on these other things in a business. And I, my area of expertise is really in the front of house in regards to marketing and sales and customer experience. And even though I have a degree from undergrad and I have a master's in business and I am a six-figure investor, I kind of, honestly, I still find the.

Of money confusing and overwhelming and something I really don't enjoy kind of dealing with. And so in some ways I feel like this show is for people like me who have the benefit of having a great career and, you know, the great financial resources that come along with that, but maybe don't necessarily fully understand finance and their personal finances and the best way to steward that.

What's really important in that I think is that we all know that money and finance is the language of adulthood and that the people who know and understand money and financial markets and investments, those are the people who are able to generate wealth and to use this tool, to advance the things that they want to see in the world.

And so I think it's just really awesome that. Brian has gone on this journey with amazing clients. Like some of you who are listening to make your money line up with what you want to see happen in the world, whether that's for yourself, for your family, for your community or for a greater good. Yeah, that's really well said.

It's it's really important that fans is about more than just the technical stuff. We're going to talk about taxes and investing in portfolios and all those. But if you are not living your life in the way that you're called in the way that you're passionate about in the way that gives you purpose and joy every day, then all the technical stuff doesn't matter.

All the money and all the things that we're gonna talk about are just tools in your toolkit. They're not they're not the end goal, right? Nobody wakes up in the morning looking for an optimized portfolio. Everybody wakes up in the morning with things they're passionate about.

And so we're going to talk about how you align your values, what you believe in and want to see happen. With your finances. For many professionals you're entering your highest income earning years, your personal finances are becoming too complex for you to manage tax and total a little bit of her own personal story about that, right?

You're highly competent in the marketplace, you're a professional. It's not that you're not educated, but you're too busy doing your day job. And if you're like us or chasing around your children, when you're not doing your day job, And and so you just don't have enough time to manage your personal finances, the way that you want to.

And so the whole point of this podcast is going to be to talk about these topics in a way that's relevant in a way that's actionable in a way that you can take away tangible things that you can go and do and, and make your life better. I love it. I'm here for it. I mean, I know I'm going to learn something every single time that we host the show.

And that actually brings me a little bit to like, why am I here? You know, when we started the conversation about Brian having this. I said to him, I think that you need like a host or a partner who's going to not just play this role of the person that you're talking to, but it's going to ask those questions.

You know, that kid, actually, Ryan, you know that kid in school who like always raises their hand and ask the question that everyone else in the classroom wants to ask, but feels dumb asking that kid sometimes. Okay. Well, I'm going to be that kid on the show. Like that's my job. And so I'm pretty sure though.

You said you need to have somebody on the podcast. That's going to be funny and entertaining cause you're adult and boring and no one will listen to that. Okay. There might've been a two-part there might've been two parts to what I said, but one part was, you know, sometimes. Brian bless him. He doesn't know what he knows.

Like he just knows it so well. And he'll be talking about it even just at the dinner table or with me. And I'm like, whoa, that was way over my head. So I'm here to kind of translate, be the person that asks the question that if you were here in the room, you would want to ask too, but because I'm married to Brian, I no longer have shame about asking the question that might be or feel like the dumb question to help you and me better understand.

Money and whatever Brian is saying about it, I'm looking forward to it. It's going to be great. Awesome. Well, we're really excited that you're on this journey with us. Brian, tell our listeners a little bit about, we talked about kind of three areas where our content is really going to focus throughout the course of the show.

Can you tell them what those three areas. And you know, a little bit of a precursor on that. Yeah. So, so we're going to talk across three different broad topics. So one is knowledge, right? Just things that are important for you to know about managing your personal finances, managing your investments.

We're going to talk about mindset and values of passion and how those things intersect. With the tools and the knowledge that you need. And then the last thing we'll talk about current events and how that impacts the decisions you're making. So inflation what's going on in markets. Again, not in a way to, predict the market, but in a way that is hopefully it's tangible and useful for you as a investor.

Awesome. Well, if that sounds good to you guys, then tune into the next episode. I'm super excited about it because we are going to be talking about. Financial kind of goal setting and having a vision for your money, which I know sounds super tin deleting right now, but I think it's going to be one of the best episodes potentially in the history of the show.

So definitely tune in for that. We will see you there all right, friends. Bye. Fo now.


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